2.4 GHz ZigBee-ready and 802.15.4-ready USB dongle

EMB-Z2531PA-USB is a performant low power USB dongle capable of operating in IEEE 802.15.4 of ZigBee networks as a coordinator, router or end device. It is the USB adapter version of the EMB-Z2530PA.



EMB-Z2531PA-USB is a performant low power USB dongle capable of operating in IEEE 802.15.4 of ZigBee networks as a coordinator, router or end device. It is the USB adapter version of the EMB-Z2530PA.

The RF section of the USB dongle employs a PA and LNA to provide up to 120dB of link budget. The integrated PCB antenna makes the EMB-Z2531PA-USB ready to transmit/receive over-the-air data out of the box. Two LEDs and one button are also available to build a basic user-interface. All these features allow to get started in few minutes with either firmware development or over-the-air transmission/sniffing.

Notable features include:

  • output power up to +20 dBm (100 mW)
  • RF sensitivity up to -100 dBm
  • integrated PCB antenna or uFL connector option
  • open platform

The EMB-Z2531PA-USB ships programmed with an Embit firmware which allows to employ the module as a simple, ready-to-use modem (using AT-like commands over UART; see EBI protocol page for more information), If custom applications needs to be developed, the EMB-Z2530PA-EVK provides all the tools required to download a custom firmware on the module. The IDE to be used depend on the stack chosen. IAR Embedded Workbench is usually used when working with the Z-Stack or TIMAC stacks.

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